Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My Bike!

Jack is definitely ready to move up to a big boy bike.  There are about six bikes at his school and I am pretty sure he thinks the all belong to him!  Any suggestions for his first trike? I'm considering the Skuut Balance Bike which teaches balance first (similar to walking) rather than a traditional tricycle.  Would love your comments!


Anonymous said...

I would totally start him off with this type of bike. OR you can get a regular bike and take the petals off. That's what my tri-athlete bro-in-law did. - Louise

Unknown said...

Check out runbikes.com and REI...you can get the 10% member discount at REI. There are metal and wood versions. Some designed differently that look like a fall off the seat would be as painful:)

Anonymous said...

Few friends tried them and said that then when you get a bike with pedals they are totally confused... This is certainly a European way of learning to balance bike before riding. Billi